Machine Vision Light Source Recognition


  • TWD: NT$ 3,222

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We offer personalized and high-performance machine vision light source design services to meet specific application needs.

Through customized machine vision light source services, we can meet recognition requirements for different application scenarios, enhancing recognition accuracy and efficiency.

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Screw Screening Machine System (LED Light Board) – Modification of Machine Vision Light Source Recognition Design

LED light board light source types:

  • Square backlight
  • Rectangular backlight
  • Cap-shaped circular light source
  • Light source controller

Customized Machine Vision Light Source Service | Equipment Accessory Modification Design Service

From light source conceptualization, optical design, circuit control planning, mechanical integration to prototype manufacturing, customized services cover a comprehensive range of choices.

Customized light source content:

  • Selection of light source types (square, rectangular, circular, etc.)
  • Brightness adjustment
  • Angle adjustment
  • Communication interface
  • Cooling system
  • Maintenance and technical support
  • Replication and maintenance of electronic control systems
  • Customization of special light sources and controllers

Replication and maintenance of electronic control systems
Customization of special light sources and controllers

  • AI Rapid Recognition System

  • Image Recognition Light Source Design

  • Machine Vision Light Source Equipment Modification/Repair/Service

  • Industrial Machine Light Source

  • Special Light Source & Controller Design

  • Special Spectrum Light Source Design

  • Adjustable Spectrum Light Source Design

  • LED Light Board Design


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